Independent short film production "Orbit" was started by Tim and Shun. After a while, other wonderful
young artists who heard about this project and poems gathered from all over the world(Japan, Canada, U.S., Korea,
France, etc) Orbit features 4 poems by Anderson.
"Ronny Hauled"
"Axe, Disease and Fire"
We are non-profit artist film production, and we are paying and filming all by ourselves, so in order to decrease
our staff's personal expense and increase the opportunity of getting seen by a lot of people, we need your generous
contribution. We could put your name in the end credit depending on the amount you can offer if you would like. Also, you
could join us as one of the artists if you are hungry for artistic expression. For more info, e-mail us!
A short film based on Timothy Charles Anderson's poems.<
<Keywords>Shunsuke Teshima Short Film Timothy Charles Anderson Poems Tokyo Shibuya Hachiko Independent film Japanese
American Canadian French Artists orbit axe, disease and fire, ronny hauled shibuya scramble crossing 渋谷 ハチ公 手嶌俊輔監督 ティモシーチャールズアンダーソン ミョンジュ
映画 インデペンデント英検DS